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A Summer Ranch Wedding at Platte River Fort - Colorado Wedding Photographer - Sarah Goff Photography

Megan and Ethan met at Northeastern Junior College and immediately knew they were destined to be part of each other's lives for a long time. Megan had a bit of a crush on Ethan from the start, and a month later during the warmth of summer had the chance to begin that life-long journey.

Megan had been abandoned by her friends and was sitting on the curb outside her dorm. Suddenly, Ethan comes rolling up in his big, noisy red truck with his roommate, and asked Megan if she wanted to head out to Swing Ditch, a local irrigation ditch and rope swing into the water. She could hardly get any coherent words out and before she knew it he threw his pickup door open, scooped me off the curb, and off they went to spend the afternoon on their first official date.

When it came time to propose, Ethan cleverly disguised his intentions behind a day of hiking. It was February of 2017 and Megan was stir-crazy, asking if they could go out and do ANYTHING. The following weekend, he suggested they go for a hike. They ended up in a spot they had explored when they first moved to southern Colorado. Being a photographer herself, Megan was taking photos of every little thing along the hike, thoroughly enjoying her time outside. Megan turned around from grabbing some photos of a rock outcrop with "historical graffiti" and noticed Ethan fishing around in his pocket. She asked him, "what on earth are you doing?!". He replied, "I just want to make sure nothing slipped out." Satisfied with that, Megan went back to taking photos. The next time she turned around, Ethan was dropped on a knee and all she heard was "Megan Nicole...." She lost it and of course, SAID YES!

These two love birds are adventurous and excited to life together. They love to travel and find wonder in everything around them. "I think we could both say that our favorite thing about each other is our brains. As nerdy as that sounds, the way we think and carry ourselves is really what drew us together in the first place. Ethan was the one person in college that I felt like I could have a real conversation with. Now I think our brains are what make us work as a couple. We think very differently but in the same token are complementary to each other."

My second photographer and I had flown in from Kansas City at 6:00am that morning from photographing another wedding in Missouri the day before. We dropped our bags, plugged in batteries, and grabbed a few hours of sleep before heading off to celebrate with Megan and Ethan. They chose Platte River Fort for their wedding for its rustic, country vibe and beautiful property. Their wedding day arrived HOT and cloudless. From the first moments I arrived to the last dances of the night, their day was relaxed and joyful.

When asked about their favorite wedding memories, Megan responded with "This is a hard one because the whole day was special. One moment that sticks in my in mind though is walking out the back door of the fort and seeing him way across the lawn. It was a rush of emotions of that was my husband for life standing there and the fact that he looked so handsome. One other favorite was the amount of love from our friends and family that day. Some of the people that were there we have not seen in a long time and it was wonderful to see them and hug them!"

Their biggest wedding planning advice: "Take a breath. It is so stressful because you are now blending two families with different personalities together. At the end of the day the decorations, cake, music, and whatever else doesn’t matter. It matters that you are married to your best friend and that your family and friends are their to support you."

There is so much more I want to write! I adore this couple and am honored to have been a small part of their huge day. Megan, keep focused on your photography goals and dreams of becoming a small business owner. You have what it takes! Congrats to you both!

Flowers: Berta Downing (Downing Farms)

Bride's Dress: Bridal Connection (Longmont)

Catering: Famous Dave's BBQ

Cake: Cupcake Gypsies

DJ: The Music Man

Hair: HairPhix Salon & ColorBar (Morgen Grennan)

2nd Photographer: Christina Gonzales